What are Oncologist Searching and Reading on Digital Platforms.

With more than 1200 active Oncologist Doctors in India; Hidoc Dr. brings relevant insights into what Oncologist Doctors are thinking across the country. Later in this blog, we’ll see Doctor habits on Digital platforms.

We have come with 4 insight images representing insights into Doctor habits on Digital platforms such as Hidoc.

  • Top 5 Keywords searched by Oncologist Doctors
  • Top 5 Drugs Searched by Oncologist Doctors
  • Top 5 Articles Read by Oncologist Doctors
  • Top 5 Cases Reviewed by Oncologist Doctors
Doctor habits on Digital platforms.

The practice of an oncologist is largely directed by the stage when Cancer is Confirmed. For example, the treatment of early-stage cancer may involve surgery or radiation, while advanced-stage cancer may require chemotherapy.

Most patients are referred to an oncologist if cancer is suspected or confirmed by a primary care doctor or Family Doctor. The oncologist will begin the investigation by performing additional tests to either confirm the diagnosis or characterize the malignancy.

Our Team of Expert came with the maximum keyword searched in this Pandemic, from the list of keywords we got the most keywords searched by Oncologist. In the above list, the most searched keywords are Benign, Malignant and In-situ/Invasive followed by other keywords.

Doctor habits on Digital platforms.

Oncologists possess the highly specialized knowledge necessary for diagnosing and treating cancer.

A person can expect to work with a group of healthcare professionals while they receive treatment. In this pandemic on our app Hidoc Dr., our team of expert noticed the most viewed and searched articles on the Following Topics:

Global Cancer Incidence and Mortality Rates and Trends, Cancer and Cure: A Critical analysis and so on.

We bring these insights so that it would help the pharma managers to build a Social Presence that can help you to connect with your audiences, share quality content, and spark engaging discussions.

Doctor habits on Digital platforms.

Here our team also analysed the most searched and read cases by an oncologist. In the Above snippet if you’ll see the most preferred case is on PET scan in a large breast tumour. 30% of Doctors read this Case.

After that, if 20% of Doctors preferred to read cases on Surgery Breast phyllod Tumor. Thereafter the entire list goes on.

The above pieces of information make one thing very clear to the pharma managers that they should focus more on Breast Tumor. Managers should advance in data and advanced analytics needs to be leveraged to enable faster and more focused decision making, allowing the organization to be more agile at launch.

Let’s look into the Most Searched Drug by an oncologist. According to our expert’s analysis, the most searched drug by the oncologist is Dasatinib. Targeted therapy is the result of about 100 years of research dedicated to understanding the differences between cancer cells and normal cells.

Thereafter, Two Drugs which is searched simultaneously be most Oncologist that is Avelumab and Axitinib.

Pharmaceutical companies evolved significantly over the past years and the rapidly changing oncology market makes different marketing models for oncology drugs which are particularly important for the different types of drugs. This analysed information will help companies and managers to shape their marketing plans.


The rise of new personalized cancer medicines is the new challenge for pharma marketers who must juggle the need to explain the complicated information whilst still managing to engage with both patients and doctors.

Digital marketing for an oncologist is important to help reach those oncologists whom traditional marketing methods don’t reach but should never be deployed as a standalone activity.

The use of CANCER awareness campaigns digitally creates a new way of communicating, but the fundamental aspects of marketing: research, knowing your audience and being clear on benefits remain the key elements to a successful digital marketing campaign.

To see our entire list of articles click here.

About Hidoc Dr:
Our company Hidoc Dr. is a Digital Platform for Doctors with an audited reach of 4.2 Lakh Doctors across India. Hidoc Dr. provides Digital Marketing services to your brands to reach Doctors across all Specializations and GeographiesHidoc Digital Solutions guarantee 3x Brand Recall compared to any other digital solutions today.

You can reach out to us at varun@hidoc.co or aditi@hidoc.co or call us at +917218436858 to learn more.

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