What is Paediatrics searching and reading on Digital Platforms?

With more than 24890 active Paediatrics Doctors in India; Hidoc Dr. brings relevant insights into what Doctors are thinking across the country. While going through the Blog you’ll come to know Pediatricians searching and reading on Digital Platforms

We have come with 4 insight images representing insights into Doctor habits on Digital platforms such as Hidoc.

  1. Top 5 Keywords searched by Peadiatricians Doctors
  2. Top 5 Drugs Searched
  3. Top 5 Articles Read
  4. Top 5 Cases Reviewed
Pediatricians searching and reading on Digital Platforms

A total of 650 searches per day are done by Peadiatrician Doctors on Hidoc. A lot of the searches are done to find relevant articles, cases, and videos.

Our Team of Experts came with the maximum keyword searched in this Pandemic, from the list of keywords we got the most keywords searched by Paediatricians.

With this above information, Pharma Managers can take the decision. They can place their respective brands by keeping the Most Searched keyword on digitally by Paediatricians The entire decision is dependent upon the right information being available to the right people at the right times.

Pediatricians searching and reading on Digital Platforms

Let’s look at Highly Search Drugs by Pediatricians. Here, we have a list of Most Searched Drugs. On the top of the list is Albuterol followed by Cephalexin and Azithromycin so on. This list is provided to us by our expert team of Data Mining and Analysis. This information helps us to take the right and relevant decisions with minimal effort.

Pediatricians searching and reading on Digital Platforms

At Hidoc we provide Doctors with access to over 10 million articles from 28,000+ Journals. Doctors can search for an article on any specializations, Also, it is very easily accessible for paediatricians to read any highly viewed articles i.e. Reading Disorders and dyslexia and so on.

During the time of COVID-19, we have shortlisted the list of Articles based on Paediatrics searching and reading on Hidoc Dr.

Pediatricians searching and reading on Digital Platforms

Almost 98% of the Doctors using the Hidoc platform use it to search for Cases and seek and ask second opinions. In the time of COVID – 19, most cases were viewed that is Complications in Children with cystic fibrosis and after that Acute myeloid leukaemia.

These two cases were on the top searches by paediatricians. Then after sometimes they all cases were searched and viewed by the paediatricians.
Most of the paediatricians read both the cases at the same time Toxicity of Energy drinks and Management of Hypopituitarism.

I hope you got the Clear Understanding of Nowadays what Pediatricians searching and reading on Digital Platforms


As a conclusion, paediatricians are a person that always dealing with the disease or disorder of children and needs to provide preventive measures for healthy children. Therefore, Pharma Managers must have at least awareness of What are Paediatrics searching and reading on Digital Platforms. The paediatricians have to develop patience, caring and loving to treat this beautiful creature. Besides, the paediatrician also must have a high passion for this noble job.

To see our entire list of articles click here.

About Hidoc Dr:
Our company Hidoc Dr. is a Digital Platform for Doctors with an audited reach of 4.2 Lakh Doctors across India. Hidoc Dr. provides Digital Marketing services to your brands to reach Doctors across all Specializations and GeographiesHidoc Digital Solutions guarantee 3x Brand Recall compared to any other digital solutions today.

You can reach out to us at varun@hidoc.co or aditi@hidoc.co or call us at +917218436858 to learn more.


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